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Monday, February 14, 2011

Please view this short documentary video

Seven Minute Video

"Mitakuye Oyasin" (We Are All Related) is a short documentary that sheds a light on the dire problems facing the Lakota people of Pine Ridge reservation. Filmed on location in South Dakota, the documentary also features the rescued herds of wild mustangs which will be an integral part of cultural programs and sustainability through ecotourism for the Sunka Wakan Lakota Cambridge school. These wild mustangs themselves faced eradication and there is hope this program will help build a bridge to a better future for the Lakota people and for the wild horses.

Mitakuye Oyasin was selected to screen at the 34th annual American Indian Film Festival in San Francisco. This short documentary is a prelude to a full hour-long documentary that will showcase the myriad problems facing the Lakota on Pine Ridge reservation, and a detailed mutual plan to help bring back sustainability to their culture, and a catalyst for real change for the future.

1 comment:

  1. The reverence for, and the connection to, the horse comes through loud and clear in this film. Its voice has spoken, we must respond.


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